Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a non-surgical treatment, which can be very successful for many conditions and therefore is often prescribed before and after surgery. The goal of this physical therapy is to speed your recovery and, improve your overall function by increasing your range of motion and by strengthening your muscles.

Your physical therapists will work closely with you, the patient, and your doctor to create the most effective treatment plan of recovery for you. The aim is to provide quality care in many specialized areas for our patients. There is a variety of diagnoses for which Physical Therapy is prescribed, including orthopaedic injuries, sports injuries, chronic conditions such as arthritis, and the rehabilitation of post-operative patients.

Each patient is provided with a physical therapy plan specific to his / her needs in order to recover. This treatment may include: manual “hands on” therapy, joint mobilization, stretching, and other therapeutic exercises, as well as patient education on posture and body mechanics, therapeutic exercises, in addition to patient education on posture and body mechanics.